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Advantages and disadvantages of financial software

Source: Popularity: 1809 Published time: 2019-08-28 11:16:44

Financial software的点:

  • 1.Easy to query, summarize and report.It can find the data you want through the convenient query box, and can automatically summarize various accounts and automatically generate various reports according to the input credentials, and the generated accounts and reports are accurate。At the same time, if the financial software of the superior financial department can summarize the subordinate accounts, you can also use the mailbox or U disk to report;
  • 2.Easy to view and bind.The accounts and vouchers printed out by software are neat and clear, easy to view and bind;
  • 3.Improve the timeliness and accuracy of accounting data processing, improve the level and quality of accounting, and reduce the labor intensity of accounting personnel;
  • 4.Improve the management level, make the financial accounting management from post-management to control, forecast in advance change, lay a foundation for management information;
  • 5.Promoting the innovation of accounting technology, method, theory and concept is conducive to the progress of accounting work。
  • Disadvantages of financial software:

  • 1.Need to prepare the hardware and software environment of accounting software;
  • 2.The requirement of computer technology for talents will be higher, and the cost of talents will rise.
  • 3.If the document is used by the financial department but not promoted to other departments, the flow of information will be hindered;
  • 4.Data preservation, backup can be lost due to network, computer hardware damage, operator error。

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